Athletic / Massage Therapy

Athletic Therapy  

Athletic Therapists are professionals who specialize in muskuloskeletal disorders (muscles, bones, joints) in all walks of life from elite athletes to weekend warriors, and from young children to seniors. The majority of private insurance companies cover Athletic Therapy services, but plans may vary. Athletic Therapy is covered under the Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and Workers Compensation Board (WCB).

MORFIT’s Certified Athletic Therapists are accepting new clients.

Claude Gauthier CAT(C), BPE, BA
m: (204) 770-9265
e: [email protected]
Available Monday-Thursdays
*Services disponibles en Français.


Nikki Smith CAT(C), CSEP-CPT, BSc

m: (204) 223-7358
e: [email protected]

Available Saturday-Wednesdays

To book an appointment, please call or email the therapist directly.


Athletic Therapy Rates

Initial Assessment: $70.00 + 5% GST

Follow-ups: $54.00 + 5% GST




Massage Therapy coming soon!