Are you listening?

How often have you been told to take more time for yourself, or that you do too much?

There are many topics that can and will be discussed on the MORfit blog, but I’d like to start off with a post about doing what’s right for you in relation to stress and time management. This concept is not always taken to heart in our culture, as we constantly strive to make others happy and get things done. The to-do lists never end. While making others happy does bring back a certain amount of happiness, being true to what we need as individuals is the core behind everything we do in the health industry.

Personally, I am one to overschedule and rush from place to place- in an effort to keep my life both interesting and moving towards my own personal goals. What I’ve learned from this lifestyle is how important time management, and including time for recuperation is in order to maintain sanity. One way I’ve learned how to do this, when I‘m feeling overwhelmed, is to make a list. A list to prioritize my time into sections: what I really need/want to focus on, then things that will help me achieve my goals, and finally things that I don’t necessarily need in my schedule.

Okay, if I’m being honest, the middle section I added in because I didn’t want to give up some things. But still. I’ve never been a list-y type of person, but this actually helped me put things into perspective- and helped me incorporate a little more relaxation time into my schedule.

I have a friend who when I ask for help making a decision (big or small)- always says, “follow your bliss”. What he means by that is that by doing what makes you truly happy, in the end, will always be the right choice. Of course there will be times where maybe neither choice will make you “happy”, but quite often our gut instinct will pull us one way or the other- and trusting your gut is a piece of wisdom in itself. Quite often when I feel overwhelmed, it’s because I have not allowed myself the time to take a step back and acknowledge what my gut is suggesting I do. Have you ever noticed that slightly anxious feeling when you’re particularly stressed out about any number of things in your life? That may be your instinct talking to you. Give it a second of your time, it has good advice for you.

Sometimes that advice may be trying to sway you towards one side of a decision. Sometimes it may be telling you to take some time for you, some time where you can allow yourself to not think about the to-do lists, work, etc etc. Taking a break, in whatever form suits you, it something we all need to do a little more of. Taking a break and not feeling guilty about it is a good thing for your mind, body, and soul. No matter who you are, or what you do- there is always time for you to just do you. Another good friend of mine once used the phrase “we tend to be more of human doings, rather then human beings.”.


Doing too much isn’t going to kill you- but doing too much all the time will have deleterious effects to your health, and your enjoyment of life. Finding a balance that suits you as an individual can make all the stresses of life much more manageable. There is so much joy in everyday life, but often it is clouded by “need to do-s”, emails, decisions, calls, tasks, and ongoing stress. Giving yourself a little slack, just a little everyday- listening to what your body is telling you, might enable you to take a step back… and taking a step back always makes the mountain look smaller.

How can you tell when you’re doing too much, and what are some ways you take time for yourself?

– Kathlyn